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3/18/12 – Daniel

The king brought Daniel out of the den. “Look!” he said. “Daniel doesn’t even have a scratch!”

The king made a new law: “Daniel’s God is the true God. The God who Rescues! Pray to him instead!”

God would keep on rescuing his people. And the time was coming when God would send another brace Hero, like Daniel, who would love God and do what God said – whatever it cost him, even if it meant he would die.

And together they would pull off the Greatest Rescue the world has ever known.

Daniel and the Scary Sleepover in The Jesus Storybook Bible

On Sunday, our Bible Fellowship classes looked at the life of Daniel and, more specifically, the way that God worked through Daniel. Daniel was one of the Hebrew men that King Nebuchadnezzar brought from Israel after capturing the city of Jerusalem. Along with Daniel were Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, who were eventually given the names Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Separated from the their homes and families, these men were faced with incredibly difficult situations, including having to choose between serving their new king (who could easily kill them) and serving their God, the true King.

Time and time again, these four men chose to obey God and as a result, God delivered them from the hand of their enemy. The men, especially Daniel, eventually won favor with King Nebuchadnezzar because of their testimony and because of Daniel’s ability to interpret for the King. After King Nebuchadnezzar died another king, King Darius came to power and he also like Daniel, but he was put in a tough situation when Daniel broke a law (that one could not pray to anyone other than the king) and the king’s administration wanted Daniel to pay. Although reluctant, King Darius put Daniel in a den of lion. Of course, no one expected Daniel to live, but God, the One who rescues, saved Daniel from the lions.

The king was shocked to find Daniel living after his night with the lions. As a result, the king declared that Daniel’s God was the true God. The entire kingdom came to know God as the real God who can save. Later, God would send Jesus to rescue His people once and for all. Daniel (and his three friends) were obedient to God and their lives are an encouragement to us, teaching us that we can stand firm and be confident in our God, no matter the circumstances. However, more than that, their stories (found in the book of Daniel) teach us that our God rescues. We can live with joy and assurance of God’s saving power. Now, we can obey, not out of guilt and obligation, but with a thankful heart because of what God has done!

Talk with your kids about the story of Daniel, making much of God’s rescuing power! Tell them about how God ultimately rescued His people through Jesus and how we can now obey God as worship for what He did on the cross!

Memory Verse: 1 Peter 3:15.